Saturday, May 9, 2009

All Hail My Backyard!!

The Hail Storm...
I got a video of it! :D

I don't know why its coming out so blurry on blogger!!!
Its soo clear on my camera!! 

This was at approximately 8:50am - 9:00am .  It really woke me up in the morning. My brothers woke up too. I looked outside and it looked so cool. So I took my camera and made a video of it! (From my room to my backyard) The hail would first come down really slow... and all of a sudden it would come down so fast! Notice how only the front of my backyard is covered by hail, and the back of it....? And also my neighbour's hail!?!? A lot of water was running down the side of the road.     -     At the end the birds were chirping happily :)

If you're wondering why my backyard has a little mini park in it, thats because my dad and grandfather put it there when I was about 3 years old (1999). I still play on it when I'm bored or need to go out for a while. ITS FUN! I don't have to go to the public park and wait my turn on the swings....I know one swing is broken...My fat brother sat on it and broke it.... :(

Well, hope you enjoyed it! 


  1. Lmbo....r u serious that ur brother broke it??? Anywayzzz.....i also saw the hail storm!!!! It was sooo cool...i really wanted to go outside but i was too sleepy!By the way.....nice backyard!!!!!

  2. Yea..he broke it... I warned him but then ohhh too late! he sat on it and bamm! he falls to the ground....poor swing.

    And thanks :)

  3. omg i saw the hail to and i had to go to punjabi school then at morning star middle school. i was all sockedwhen i got there

  4. lol.....R.I.P. Ashna's swing!!
