Tuesday, May 26, 2009

If I could trade places with anyone......

If I could switch places with anyone in the world, it would be Selena Gomez.

I would want to switch places with Selena Gomez because she gets to hang out with a lot of other celebrites that I like, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Jake T. Austin and many more! Selena has a very good personality and is very nice. She is in one of my favourite T.V shows: Wizards of Waverly Place. I've watched a lot of interviews with her and she says that she has a lot of fun filming her show. She was in my favourite show when I was little. Barney! I would have loved to meet Barney. Selena cares a lot for the environment too. She once went to Puerto Rico to help out Stray dogs. I would want to go to Puerto Rico and help out Strays too. Selena also teamed up with State Farm Insurance for Safe Driving And DoSomething.org.
Selena gets to do a lot of things that I wish I could. She got to design her own shoes and gets to go to a lot of places.
I think that she would be very generous and fun person to be.

If I could trade places with anyone it would be Selena Gomez.

Official Website: SelenaGomez.com
Youtube: SelGomez or therealdemilovato with Demi Lovato.