Monday, May 18, 2009

How to make Paper Stars!!!!

Have you guys ever heard of paper cranes?; that if you make 1000 of them you get a wish? 
Well, the same goes for these stars:
I only have have as many as the picture above... ( cuz those are mine ^.^)
Paper stars arn't so hard their actually as easy as the paper cranes, maybe easier. You just need some practice.

Wanna learn how to make them?!?
Well heres how!

You will need a strip of paper, use recycled printer paper if your doing it for the first time. Don't use lined paper that may be too light. 

1cm in width
about 27 cm in length (thats the length of A4 paper - Printer Paper)

1. Knot the paper. Just a simple knot, like how you would tie your shoes, make sure the knot is at the end of your strip.

How to tie a knot on the paper: 

If you have a little peice of it at the end  (like it shows in step 3, coming out from the right) you can rip it off.

2. Now just take the long peice and wrap it around your pentagon, when you wrap it once it will lead to another side just wrap it from there and so on. Keep repeating that until your strip gets really small.

3. Take the end of the strip and tuck it in the little pocket.

4. Heres the last step, Push it in from all the sides. Using your nails would be easier. 

Not working for you?
Try Again, My first trys look liked crap... But I tried again....and again....and again until I got it right :)

If your confused or need help you can post a comment or ask me at school.


  1. omg.....i tried it and mine came out sooooooo horrible but when you do it ,it looks sooo easy!

  2. i tried it too and it turned out really bad

  3. Mine turned out fine..but not as good as I expected it too!!

  4. wow thats hard!! when yu do it, it looks soo easy!
